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Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

So Node.js is runtime environment that lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools for server-side scripting to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.

For me I have v14.17.3 installed on my device if you want to check your version simply run this code on your terminal :

node -v

What is V8 engine ?


V8 is the JavaScript execution engine which was initially built for Google Chrome.

It compiles JavaScript source code to native machine code.

So what is runtime environment ?

It’s run-time compilations and it means a way of executing computer code that involves compilation during execution of a program( while it’s running ) rather than before execution.

npm :

npm stands for Node Package Manager, npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js.


For me I have version 6.14.13 installed on my device if you want to check your version simply run this code on your terminal :

npm -v

How to install jshint package ?

We have to ways :

  1. install it globally :
    • To install the package globally run this line of code in your terminal :
     npm install -g jshint

    This will install the jshint package globally on your system.

  2. install it locally :
    • We can also install packages locally to a project just run this line of code in your terminal :
     npm init -y

    This will create and auto-populate a package.json file in the same folder.

6 Reasons for Pair Programming :

pair programming commonly involves two roles :

  • The Driver and the Navigator. The Driver is the programmer who is typing and the only one whose hands are on the keyboard.

  • The Navigator uses their words to guide the Driver but does not provide any direct input to the computer.

What are the 6 reasons for pair programming ?

  1. Greater efficiency
  2. Engaged collaboration
  3. Learning from fellow students
  4. Social skills
  5. Job interview readiness
  6. Work environment readiness