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What kind of data is a good fit for an SQL database ?

SQL databases are good fit for the complex query intensive environment.

Give a real world example.

SQL database examples:

  • MySql
  • Oracle
  • Sqlite
  • Postgres
  • MS-SQL

What kind of data is a good fit a NoSQL database ?

NoSQL database fits better for the hierarchical data storage as it follows the key-value pair way of storing data similar to JSON data.

NoSQL database are highly preferred for large data set.

Give a real world example.

NoSQL database examples:

  • MongoDB
  • BigTable
  • Redis
  • RavenDb
  • Cassandra
  • Hbase
  • Neo4j
  • CouchDb

Which type of database is best for hierarchical data storage ?

*NoSQL** database fits better for the hierarchical data storage

Which type of database is best for scalability ?

Both SQL and NoSQL databases have their own advantages and limitations, taking advantage of their strengths would be the way to go.

SQL databases are vertically scalable, NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable.

What does SQL stand for ?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

What is a relational database ?

A relational database is a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another.

What type of structure does a relational database work with ?

The relational model means that the logical data structures the data tables, views, and indexes are separate from the physical storage structures. This separation means that database administrators can manage physical data storage without affecting access to that data as a logical structure.

What is a ‘schema’ ?

A database schema is an abstract design that represents the storage of your data in a database. It describes both the organization of data and the relationships between tables in a given database. Developers plan a database schema in advance so they know what components are necessary and how they will connect to each other.

What is a NoSQL database ?

NoSQL databases are primarily referred to as Non-relational or Distributed Database.

How does it work ?

Designing a schema for NoSQL is a topic of some debate since they have a dynamic schema. Some argue that the appeal of NoSQL is that you don’t need to create a schema, but others say that design is very important for this type of database since it doesn’t provide one solution.

What is inside of a Mongo database ?

NoSQL database

Which is more flexible - SQL or MongoDB? and why.

In MongoDB, all individual records are stored as documents which are collections of fields with a dynamic schema. Here, each collection need not have the same set of fields which makes it more flexible.

What is the disadvantage of a NoSQL database ?

NoSQL databases don’t have the reliability functions which Relational Databases have.